(916) 546-7913 Free consultation

Snap-in removable dentures

Two implant retained teeth
Cost $7999/arch or finance $199/month

Cost of implant secured dentures

tooth implant

Starts at$1,899 per tooth

This treatment fee includes:

  • Implant Consultation
  • Cone-Beam CT Scan
  • Implant
  • Stock Abutment
  • Digital Designed Implant Crown
Free consultation

Pricing may vary if you need additional procedures.

Snap on
implant denture

Starts at$7,500 per arch

This treatment fee includes:

  • Implant Consultation
  • Cone-Beam CT Scan
  • All Extracions, If Needed
  • 2 Implants Per Arch
  • Temporary Immediate Denture
  • Final Snap On Implant Denture (Removable)
Free consultation

Pricing may vary if you need additional procedures.

dental implants

Starts at$18,999 per arch

This treatment fee includes:

  • Implant Consultation
  • Cone-Beam CT Scan
  • All Extracions, If Needed
  • 4 Implants Per Arch
  • 3-D Printed Same Day Prosthesis
  • Digital Smile Design
  • Modjaw Digital Bite Analysis
  • Orazir Fixed Prosthesis
  • Modjaw Digital Bite Analysis
Free consultation

Pricing may vary if you need additional procedures.

Dr. Devan Dalla

Dr. Devan Dalla is a graduate of New York University – College of Dentistry and has been in practice since 2008. While at NYU, Dr. Dalla was awarded Honors in Implantology as well as the Dr. Bernard E. Rudner Memorial Award for demonstrating superior Clinical Performance in providing comprehensive oral care.

Prior to moving to the United States, Dr. Dalla earned a Bachelor’s Degree in dental surgery from one of the leading dental schools in India and graduated top of his class.

Dr. Dalla believes in the importance of guideline-based recommendation and believes treatments should be based on thorough exams and accurate diagnosis. Many patients visit him for second opinions and trust him to provide them with comprehensive advice. He believes in a patient-centered approach and that patient education is essential for good oral health. He spends the necessary time needed to discuss treatment options and provide individualized and personalized plans.

#1 Rated Dental Implant Center in Sacramento Region


Implants Placed


Full Mouth Reconstructions Annually


Success Rate

Get your free consultation with implant specialist

3D-CT scan and necessary X-ray to make customized
treatment plan that fits your budget.

What our patients say

Request your
free consultation today!

Dr. Devan Dalla with patient

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